
Since 1995All
Last 5


SeasonRndHome Team  Away Team  GroundDate 
2025R5Richmond  vFremantle  Barossa ParkApr 13 (Sun 12:35pm) 
2024R17Fremantle4.3 7.5 13.6 16.9 105dftdRichmond2.0 3.5 5.8 7.12 54Optus StadiumJul 6 (Sat 8:10pm)
2024R8Richmond1.3 1.7 4.11 6.13 49lost toFremantle3.4 6.8 8.11 15.13 103Melbourne Cricket GroundMay 5 (Sun 1:00pm)
2023R13Fremantle1.3 4.4 8.9 10.10 70lost toRichmond4.3 6.7 11.10 12.13 85Optus StadiumJun 10 (Sat 7:25pm)
2022R19Richmond3.5 5.8 6.10 7.10 52drewFremantle3.3 5.5 5.9 7.10 52Marvel StadiumJul 22 (Fri 7:50pm)
2021R20Fremantle2.6 2.10 5.12 7.13 55dftdRichmond1.1 1.8 3.14 6.15 51Optus StadiumAug 1 (Sun 5:10pm)
2020R15Richmond2.2 4.3 4.4 8.8 56dftdFremantle1.0 1.2 3.4 4.5 29Metricon StadiumSep 2 (Wed 7:10pm)
2019R8Fremantle3.2 5.3 8.11 12.14 86lost toRichmond4.3 7.4 13.8 17.9 111Optus StadiumMay 12 (Sun 5:20pm)
2018R7Richmond4.5 7.11 7.16 15.20 110dftdFremantle1.1 1.3 4.8 4.9 33Melbourne Cricket GroundMay 6 (Sun 1:10pm)
2017R22Fremantle3.4 3.5 5.8 7.9 51lost toRichmond3.0 11.2 18.5 25.5 155Domain StadiumAug 20 (Sun 4:40pm)
2017R8Richmond2.1 5.1 5.5 10.10 70lost toFremantle2.3 5.6 9.11 10.12 72Melbourne Cricket GroundMay 14 (Sun 1:10pm)
2016R9Fremantle1.1 2.3 5.7 6.9 45lost toRichmond2.3 6.10 9.10 11.17 83Domain StadiumMay 21 (Sat 7:40pm)
2015R17Richmond1.4 5.8 8.14 10.18 78lost toFremantle1.4 5.6 8.9 12.10 82Melbourne Cricket GroundJul 25 (Sat 4:35pm)
2015R10Fremantle3.1 5.2 8.5 10.10 70lost toRichmond8.1 12.3 13.4 15.7 97Domain StadiumJun 5 (Fri 8:10pm)
2014R13Richmond1.3 5.9 7.11 12.13 85lost toFremantle3.1 7.5 13.8 16.9 105Melbourne Cricket GroundJun 14 (Sat 1:45pm)
2013R17Richmond3.3 4.6 9.9 12.12 84dftdFremantle2.2 2.5 6.6 8.9 57Melbourne Cricket GroundJul 21 (Sun 1:10pm)
2013R5Fremantle2.0 7.5 10.8 12.9 81dftdRichmond5.2 7.3 9.5 12.8 80Patersons StadiumApr 26 (Fri 8:40pm)
2012R21Fremantle3.4 7.8 10.12 13.16 94dftdRichmond2.3 5.4 8.4 11.6 72Patersons StadiumAug 18 (Sat 4:40pm)
2012R11Richmond5.2 6.3 8.8 9.12 66lost toFremantle4.1 7.3 9.6 12.6 78Melbourne Cricket GroundJun 9 (Sat 1:40pm)
2011R7Richmond3.2 9.7 17.7 23.10 148dftdFremantle2.8 9.9 13.11 14.15 99Melbourne Cricket GroundMay 7 (Sat 4:10pm)
2010R15Richmond5.1 7.4 10.8 15.10 100dftdFremantle5.5 8.9 8.13 11.15 81Etihad StadiumJul 10 (Sat 7:10pm)
2010R5Fremantle1.5 4.12 10.19 15.22 112dftdRichmond6.1 6.4 9.5 11.7 73Subiaco OvalApr 25 (Sun 8:40pm)
2009R10Fremantle6.2 8.5 11.6 17.10 112lost toRichmond4.3 5.9 13.9 17.13 115Subiaco OvalMay 30 (Sat 7:40pm)
2008R21Richmond3.6 8.8 11.12 15.15 105dftdFremantle5.1 10.3 13.5 15.8 98Melbourne Cricket GroundAug 23 (Sat 2:10pm)
2008R4Fremantle3.3 6.7 8.9 10.13 73lost toRichmond5.7 10.11 14.13 20.17 137Subiaco OvalApr 13 (Sun 4:40pm)
2007R11Fremantle1.3 4.8 10.10 18.15 123dftdRichmond4.5 6.9 10.9 15.12 102Subiaco OvalJun 10 (Sun 4:40pm)
2006R10Fremantle3.4 7.6 10.8 15.10 100dftdRichmond2.4 7.6 11.11 13.11 89Subiaco OvalJun 3 (Sat 7:40pm)
2005R19Fremantle1.4 5.6 10.9 13.15 93dftdRichmond2.3 4.7 7.9 9.12 66Subiaco OvalAug 6 (Sat 7:40pm)
2005R4Richmond5.5 7.7 13.9 14.16 100dftdFremantle1.4 4.5 4.6 7.10 52Melbourne Cricket GroundApr 17 (Sun 2:10pm)
2004R12Richmond3.3 7.6 9.9 10.11 71lost toFremantle0.0 3.4 7.5 12.9 81Melbourne Cricket GroundJun 13 (Sun 2:10pm)
2003R18Fremantle3.5 7.8 9.13 15.14 104dftdRichmond2.3 5.9 7.13 11.15 81Subiaco OvalAug 2 (Sat 3:40pm)
2003R3Richmond4.0 9.5 11.7 14.10 94dftdFremantle2.4 4.6 5.6 6.10 46Melbourne Cricket GroundApr 13 (Sun 2:10pm)
2002R19Richmond4.3 7.6 10.10 18.14 122dftdFremantle2.3 3.8 6.11 10.12 72Melbourne Cricket GroundAug 10 (Sat 2:10pm)
2002R4Fremantle2.2 8.3 15.7 21.12 138dftdRichmond5.3 7.4 9.4 11.6 72Subiaco OvalApr 21 (Sun 3:40pm)
2001R10Fremantle2.3 3.8 5.10 6.10 46lost toRichmond2.4 5.7 8.10 12.12 84Subiaco OvalJun 3 (Sun)
2000R19Fremantle3.3 7.4 11.7 12.7 79lost toRichmond2.5 6.11 7.14 15.16 106W.A.C.A.Jul 16 (Sun)
2000R4Richmond1.1 5.2 10.6 13.9 87lost toFremantle5.4 7.10 8.14 12.16 88Colonial StadiumApr 2 (Sun)
1999R13Fremantle5.2 11.5 13.7 19.12 126lost toRichmond6.2 9.4 14.9 19.13 127Subiaco OvalJun 27 (Sun)
1998R14Richmond6.1 12.6 15.7 23.7 145dftdFremantle2.1 2.4 5.6 8.7 55Melbourne Cricket GroundJun 27 (Sat)
1997R19Fremantle4.3 6.9 8.9 12.13 85dftdRichmond0.4 2.8 3.11 5.12 42W.A.C.A.Aug 9 (Sat)
1997R4Richmond2.4 6.6 6.8 10.11 71dftdFremantle2.3 4.5 10.7 10.7 67Optus OvalApr 19 (Sat)
1996R9Fremantle4.5 7.12 14.14 17.18 120dftdRichmond4.1 8.2 9.4 10.6 66Subiaco OvalMay 26 (Sun)
1995R16Fremantle2.6 6.7 7.10 9.13 67lost toRichmond1.3 3.9 6.12 10.14 74Subiaco OvalJul 23 (Sun)
1995R1Richmond3.6 6.13 10.15 12.18 90dftdFremantle4.4 5.7 7.9 12.13 85Melbourne Cricket GroundApr 1 (Sat)

Top 20 Players (last 5 games Richmond vs Fremantle)

Player MT Team KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Andrew Brayshaw4Fremantle5714.36616.512330.820500256.35520.5416469117.3
Luke Ryan4Fremantle8822143.510225.54110.300143.5530000467116.8
Hayden Young4Fremantle6917.3379.310626.532800112.81241125441110.3
Caleb Serong4Fremantle6115.36215.512330.8133.300133.352002239999.8
Luke Jackson3Fremantle2483511.75919.71245317.7175.733004429799
Toby Nankervis4Richmond328297.36115.392.312431215.38620.521439398.3
Jayden Short4Richmond6716.82058721.8256.300153.80130.801839197.8
Nick Vlastuin4Richmond6115.3297.39022.532800112.851000038395.8
Matthew Johnson3Fremantle3411.33511.76923103.300175.77110.32828294
Josh Treacy3Fremantle2791243913206.7206.782.721103.316127792.3
Jordan Clark4Fremantle6115.32878922.3256.3008243001134285.5
Shai Bolton4Richmond5112.8266.57719.3153.800112.82371.844633383.3
James Aish4Fremantle4812399.88721.828700413010.30633182.8
Daniel Rioli4Richmond338.35012.58320.812300133.311000028571.3
Jye Amiss3Fremantle24882.73210.7165.30072.36172.334521270.7
Heath Chapman3Fremantle3110.3165.34715.72170020.73110.30620267.3
Jack Graham3Richmond165.33511.751179300134.301000019464.7
Nathan Broad4Richmond4411266.57017.5246004107001125263
Liam Baker4Richmond379.3348.57117.8133.300143.5110003324862
Noah Balta3Richmond3010623612196.30041.34110.32818461.3
Totals73 89512.36078.3150220.63965.41972.72323.26553390.530264638287.4

Please note: Players must have played in at least 3 of the games. If a player has played for both sides they are listed per side.

Top 20 Players (since 1995 Richmond vs Fremantle)

Player MT Team KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Michael Barlow8Fremantle11914.98410.520325.448670.9415.17540.5428860107.5
Shane Tuck11Richmond15113.714212.929326.6756.8131.2444131070.62441178107.1
Hayden Young5Fremantle8016499.812925.835700122.43240.8125513102.6
Wayne Campbell14Richmond23917.115110.839027.970580.6332.48780.611591415101.1
Andrew Brayshaw8Fremantle9812.310613.320425.5334.100496.19930.4624807100.9
Matthew Richardson15Richmond19813.2563.725416.91318.780.5100.72017553.736366148298.8
Shaun Grigg10Richmond14814.8898.923723.750570.7454.511430.372598398.3
Caleb Serong6Fremantle9115.27412.316527.5203.300213.57410.22856894.7
Brad Ottens8Richmond678.4617.612816506.315219192.413691.135775394.1
Troy Simmonds5Fremantle5410.8295.88316.6326.47414.8132.63861.244046192.2
Kane Johnson8Richmond11614.572918823.5435.410.1222.89220.331572891
Trent Cotchin19Richmond27614.520510.848125.3633.320.1764283080.4856172790.9
Luke Ryan9Fremantle16117.9293.219021.163700252.8108000081690.7
Dustin Martin18Richmond26614.81719.543724.3744.110.1573.2921120.72294163190.6
Dion Prestia6Richmond6811.38514.215325.5254.20024442000054390.5
Brandon Ellis11Richmond14413.111110.125523.2696.300282.55740.422698389.4
Bachar Houli13Richmond17613.51219.329722.8705.400352.78440.3226114287.8
David Mundy24Fremantle27011.325610.752621.91074.5140.6974172490.4660205085.4
Joel Bowden18Richmond23813.21558.639321.8874.830.2462.61114140.8892153385.2
Kane Lambert7Richmond7410.67410.614821.128400263.7447114359384.7
Totals223 303413.621209.5515423.111735.32901.37233.21991881600.712810882076693.1

Please note: Players must have played in at least 5 games. If a player has played for both sides they are listed per side.

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