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Player Totals for Season 2011

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Brendon Goddard2330913.423310.154223.61315.7150.7903.92625130.61189220195.7
Brett Deledio2228112.828212.856325.6914.170.365323890.41165201191.4
Corey Enright2333014.3183851322.31446.310642.814191006200887.3
Grant Birchall2434414.32269.457023.81737.200381.612930.1725216590.2
Robert Murphy2130614.61286.143420.7773.700361.7121160.3440156874.7

Head to Head

Each table below gives only the statistics for games in which the paired players both competed. This can be used to see how players compete against each other. If a pairing does not show then it is because they have not played against each other.

Brendon Goddard v Brett Deledio for Season 2011

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Brendon Goddard1778815155511440111067272
Brett Deledio1131316162929550022201117103103

Brendon Goddard v Corey Enright for Season 2011

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Brendon Goddard22211241246236310.573.53610.50615276
Corey Enright23618178.55326.5178.510.531.5400000210105

Brendon Goddard v Grant Birchall for Season 2011

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Brendon Goddard1668814143311331100005454
Grant Birchall115154419198800441000009494

Brendon Goddard v Robert Murphy for Season 2011

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Brendon Goddard1131313132626550099221117119119
Robert Murphy11212121224242200441100008080

Brett Deledio v Corey Enright for Season 2011

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Brett Deledio1121222223434661111200000105105
Corey Enright155101015154400331000006060

Brett Deledio v Grant Birchall for Season 2011

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Brett Deledio1889917171100111000115151
Grant Birchall11010111121213300331000007474

Brett Deledio v Robert Murphy for Season 2011

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Brett Deledio11212181830304400332000119999
Robert Murphy117174421213300110011288080

Corey Enright v Grant Birchall for Season 2011

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Corey Enright34013.3206.76020144.70082.721000023377.7
Grant Birchall34214237.76521.7227.3006211000026086.7

Corey Enright v Robert Murphy for Season 2011

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Corey Enright115158823235500221100008282
Robert Murphy177111118181100220200004848

Grant Birchall v Robert Murphy for Season 2011

Player MT KAvg HAvg D Avg M Avg HO Avg T Avg FFFA G Avg BSC Rat Avg
Grant Birchall2422114756282512.50031.5000011242121
Robert Murphy224122211462331.50031.521000013668

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